»possibly«, anna stürzenbecher (vienna)


»diamonds«, franz ray (vienna)

»possible | impossible«, jan khür (zlin, CZ)

»x = +«, thomas kronbichler (berlin)


»duck«, werner gasser (bozen-bolzano)

»divina commedia«, viktor matic (bozen-bolzano)


»yes«, fabienne feltus (vienna)


»wave«, cäcilia verweyen (coburg, GER)

»1, 2, 3«, simon tumler (bozen-bolzano)

»duckfuckswan«, david h. czobel (munich)

»golden swan«, karin pisarikova (tokyo)

 »swan«, maximial winkel (bozen-bolzano)

 »fig. 157«, reinhard thomas (munich)


 »swan hunt«, johann philipp klammsteiner (bozen-bolzano)

 »duality«, mizi kreuz (vienna)

 »die möwe«, ezra joanna m. (munich)

 »post it«, diediem (vienna)


 »boa eating swan«, janika schuster (morzine, FR)

 »duckwars«, paul voggenreiter (munich)

»who's ugly now?«, louise sartor  (paris/vienna)

»OMG, it's so much brighter«, el rohir (vienna) 

»ugly swan«, dominika oya (vienna)

»possible«, sarah tolpeit (hamburg) 

»easy as pie«,  bartholomäus traubeck (linz) 

»suck«, peter a vikar (vienna) 

»to become a swan«, simone oberlechner (bruneck–brunico, IT)

An die Wand

Du, so galant, charmant,
zu schön, dass ich dich kannt’
dich zu kennen
ohne Schwund
alles ist rund
kein Rand
oh Wand
du Stütze meines Heims
ganz meins
mein Fundament aus Sand
in Sicht
kühl und bleich
dein G’wand
außer Rand und Band
mein stiller Gefährte
verlässt mich nicht- nie
Liebe- es gibt sie

»an die wand«, sybil und malou (vienna)

»work in progress«, gregor selbach (vienna)

»the ugly duck hug«, jakob maurer (bozen–bolzano)

»possible«, sbhm (munich)

»ugly duck / ugly swan«, rupert adlmaier (nuremberg)

»transformation completed«, tereza rullerová (brno, CZ)

»swalerrina«, petra hermanová (brno, CZ) 

»in jeder ente steckt ein schwan«, tobias gabel (munich) 


»activia aktiviert abwehrkräfte«, luisa franz kleopatra klobassa (vienna) 

»swawesome«, ragnar herberth (nuremberg) 

»swan or duck, they both make shit« kamila musilova (brno, CZ), head design tereza rullerova

»place / is it a swan or a duck?« vit musil (brno, CZ)

 »anti helloween« kiril cherikover & omri livne (jerusalem)

»materialistic transformation« julia peintner (brixen–bressanone, IT)

»scheinzeit« andré meier (munich)


»verbraucherinformation« daniel hopp (munich/hamburg)


»what's (im)possible for him?« sonja zlatkov (belgrade)

»Лебединое Озеро« jasmine deporta (bozen/bolzano

»hochhausfamilien« cindy strohbach (stuttgart/eindhoven) 

»nothing is possible« martin kerschbaumer (brixen – bressanone) 

»transform« andreas trenker (bozen – bolzano) 

»pinweel-copy/paste« william dalessandro (bozen – bolzano)

 »neues aus der tonne« friz lehmann (munich – hamburg)

 »the end« sebastian göhrig (nürnberg)

 »bad genes« max edelberg (munich/bozen) 

 »familypicture« danapololáníková (brno, CZ) 

»transform the duck« breadedescalope (vienna) 

»ready-duck« matthias kossmehl (munich/bolzano)

»in the end all like fish (3:52min)« lux repeat (bozen-bolzano)

 »beautifulswan« max tora (munich/bolzano)

Transformer:"who are you?"
Subject: "As you can See I am an ugly duck.
Transformer: " so tell me, why do you think you're an ugly duck?"
Subject: "don't bother me with stupid questions like that. It's obvious!"
Transformer: "I don't think so. If u look into the water, what can u see?"
Subject: "just a hellfuckin ugly duck"
Transformer: "alright. What do u want to see?"
Subject "no idea. ... Hmmm, maybe a swan?"
Transformer: "how does the swan look like"
Subject:"stupid question. White of course!
Transformer: "okay. What kind of white?"
Subject: " just white."
Transformer: "describe!"
Subject: "well...it s not a shiny kind of white. It's just very empty. So u can project everything what u wanna see into that colour. It's very clear."
Transformer: "and how does the swan move?"
Subject: "oh. It moVes very gently. He doesn't give a shit about anybody around him."
Transformer: "okay. And what does the swan think about?"
Subject: "Well, no idea. Probably he's very hungry and thinks about food."
Transformer: "And what do you think abou?"
Subject:" I am really hungry. For how long will that obviously senseless talk go on?"
Transformer: "we are almost done. Just one more question:
What kind of animal are you?"

 »transformer« georg steinmeier (berlin)

 »schwanenenten-zirbelstrudelmetamorphose« tobi zettl (munich)

 »no title« katarina ŝoŝkić (belgrad/vienna)

»albert verlor seinen dackel.« tobias wildi (zuerich)

»quak« anne regier (hamburg)

»some day we will all be swans«, david h. czobel (munich)

12 Kommentare:

Anonymous said...

i think ducks are nice than swans!

Anonymous said...

can't wait to see the first results!

dizzzy said...

24h ours left for challenge one. please send all your material until 00 p.m. to dizzzytoday@gmail.com. don't forget your name, title and also please the city you are living.

Anonymous said...

nice outputs.

Anonymous said...

wow fabienne, i like yours very much!

Anonymous said...

hehehe **** IHR seid ja cool!

Anonymous said...

swalerrina! yeah!

dizzzy said...

we made an "epic fail" in our first invitation email. our contact mail is of course dizzzytoday@gmail.com. to all of you who sent it to dizzytoday@gmail.com please send it again. sorry.
to all of you amazing participants today: thank you! what a nice bunch of creative work. next challenge coming up soon.

Anonymous said...

sehr schönes gedicht, ich umarmte auch gleich meine wand

dizzzy said...

Hello all you artists, designers, photographers, musicians, illustrators, writers...

we are very exalted by the abundant works you all contributed today!
Thank you very much and keep on being creative! We all are looking forward to the next challenge and its results!
Don´t hesitate to invite your friends from all around the world, and above all to tell us what u think about the others´ art via the comments–tool on the blog itself!

We are glad to announce more than 50 participants on the first day, sending their artwork from all over europe, israel and japan!


Anonymous said...

Was? Oh, fies. Wir mögen Magdalena. Yay, Ray.

Anonymous said...

cäcilia, love yours !

Post a Comment



is a experiment initiated by jakob maurer, viktor matic and paul voggenreiter.
for contact and submitions please write to dizzzytoday@gmail.com

(c) dizzzy 2010. Powered by Blogger.